Get to Set Quickly

We all know the maxim time is money and this maxim seems especially relevant to filmmaking. More time in development, more time in pre-production, more time on set usually means more money – either money you are spending by paying cast and crew for more days, hiring equipment, spending on locations, or money and time you are wasting by working on that script day by day, week by week, month by month. Time that you could be spending elsewhere.

Film is an interesting artform. Is there any other artform that requires such high initial costs, such high end equipment, such specialised and various personal to the point where budgets commonly top $1 million and crews on film can reach into the hundreds, only to then sell to a consumer for a few dollars on a streaming platform, or for 1 cent per hour if you are an indie filmmaker on Amazon Prime?

The economics of filmmaking are rigged against you. The amount of independent filmmakers who make a living solely on their films is low. But it can be done. Targeting a niche audience is one method and this approach, combined with regular and consistent output, gives you a chance to make money.

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