Our sensual, sex-positive, female led film, which delves deep into the grey areas of relationships is now streaming on AppleTV.

This news comes just a couple of weeks after the film landing on VUDU and we can’t be any more happy with this great news. Since its 2021 release, In Corpore has become available on a number of other platforms. Check them out here.

In Corpore Lands on Vudu

We are pleased to announce our 2020 erotic drama In Corpore is now available on yet another streaming platform, this time landing on Vudu, the American digital video store and streaming service owned by Fandango Media.

Dealing with the complexities of sex and relationships and featuring four couples in four different countries, you can check out In Corpore on Vudu here.

Tubi Picks up Nexus Production Groups' Indie Psychological Thriller Machination

After being released through Vimeo on Demand, followed by Blu-ray and DVD though Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart, MACHINATION is now available to stream free on TUBI.

Currently available in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Australia, Tubi can be accessed on a wide range of devices. Tubi gives fans of films and television programs an easy way to discover new content that is available completely free.

To watch MACHINATION now click here. If you enjoy it, tell your friends and share the link!