Los Angeles Times reviews Machination in article "‘Licorice Pizza’ and other movies to watch this weekend"

Machination was listed amongst the LA Times ‘films to watch this weekend’. The psychological horror was also in good company, listed amongst other indie films that sounded very intriguing, plus Liquorice Pizza by Paul Thomas Anderson. Have a read of the article titled “Review: ‘Hold Your Fire,’ ‘Licorice Pizza’ and other movies to watch this weekend” here and when done, watch Machination online here.

New York based Producer Represents Contemporary Relationship Film during Release Week

With In Corpore being released worldwide this week, on Boxing Day no less (yay, happy holidays!) our New York based producer Clara Francesca has been snowed under with an influx of reviews, both written and through Zoom.

Back in Malta, it has been a task in itself for us to create a list of all the interviews Clara has and will take on leading up to Christmas and well into 2021 in order to market them all through all the social media sites for the relationship drama film.

It’s a super way to celebrate the film, which is about looking inwards towards one’s goals, desires of the body and soul and personal aspirations. This makes it very much a film for the holidays as we reflect back on a hard year and the fresh one ahead, while also trying to cultivate self-love and also keeping communications in a relationship open when we are doing so during a pandemic.

We thank our PR company October Coast for the hard work in spreading the word and Clara for taking this task on like a true creative champion.

All the reviews and press interviews will be posted on our Media section so check back regularly.

Happy holidays

Press for one of Clara’s Interviews in the US. on the 30th of December 2020

Press for one of Clara’s Interviews in the US. on the 30th of December 2020

London Lifestyle

We were blown away when we were informed that London based high fashion and lifestyle publication The Bite Magazine not only reviewed two of our films - Friends, Foes & Fireworks and Daughter, but they also spotlighted the company. The article also discusses our move from narrative screenplays to improvised ones.

Check out our feature under the magazines The Film Review Directors Spotlight on page 128 of Issue 24 2019.


Coming in at the end of July is a review from online Entertainment site Kewel World.

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It was great to see that the reviewer actually did his research on the Mumblecore genre before watching a film style which was new territory for him. Always a bonus when people are reviewing your film which does not fit into the mainstream genres that reviewers are accustomed to, which is often the case for Mumblecore or improvised films. 

We thank Kewel World for the 7/10 score and the honest feedback. Give the review a read here or on the Kewel World Facebook page