Cats of Malta Crowdfunding Success

We did it!!!

For over six weeks during July/August we focused all of our time and energy putting together an irresistible crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter to raise funds to cover the Cats of Malta post-production costs. We were aiming to secure a total of $20,000 AUD.

Not only was the campaign a lot of work, it was also a fantastic learning experience as we learnt a lot about the back end of running a campaign thanks to the help from Justin Giddings, a.k.a The Kickstarter Guy.

The hard work and organisation we put in weeks before the first day of the campaign paid off, with the help of a smaller team than we would have liked, we managed to get through to the finish line totally funded.

A fan sent us this wonderful image of his cats watching Sarah Jayne go live during the campaign.

A fan sent us this wonderful image of his cats watching Sarah Jayne go live during the campaign.


The most wonderful thing to come out of this Crowdfunding campaign besides raising the money we needed was the community that we built and the people we connected with from all over the world.

Cats of Malta now has a wide audience across America, Australia and various parts of Europe as we take the documentary into post-production stages and that is wonderful news. Our social pages and social reach grew, our audience is bigger and now we have funds to finish Cats of Malta.

Along the way, we also gained extra crew members - an associate producer and a couple of co-producers, who were great supports during the campaign in many ways.

Stay tuned for the next stages, as there is still a lot of work to do. Or better yet, join the Cats of Malta Newsletter for updates as they happen.