ForeFans Post Progress

This month we did some reshoots and pickups for our feature film ForeFans in Budapest, reuniting with actor Nicolas Hackenberg. The feature is almost at the picture lock stage, but there is some complicated VFX to finish and song rights to secure, both of which could effect the timing of edit, so we are reluctant to declare the film "locked" until those aspects are solved. Still, we are closer to the finish line and we can wait for you to see this film. Stay tuned.

Dace Decklan: A Decade Overdue

Back in 2011 NPG director Ivan Malekin directed the gross-out comedy film Dace Decklan: Private Eye. The B-grade movie just hit a 10-year milestone and to celebrate Tom Vogel, who starred as Dace reflected on the making the film, playing Dace and just how wrong the film was (and still is). Late month in our monthly newsletter, Creatively Connected we shared the article, which sits within our blog section on this website. However, the article has now been picked up by Film Ink and published for reading by their indie film widespread audience - check out here.

LesFlicks Love

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Through our newsletters, particularly in reference to our feature In Corpore, we have harped on about the importance of finding a niche for your film and building an audience from the early stages of pre-production. We have been working on doing just this and learning 'how-to' for most of 2019. 

By having In Corpore connecting with and following suitable accounts on Instagram, we piqued the interest of one account – LesFlicks. And now In Corpore is listed on LesFlicks film database.

LesFlicks is Europe's first dedicated lesbian film platform that supports and lists short and features films about lesbian and bisexual couples on their website, and they also use their online platform to distribute these films. 

We have not signed In Corpore up for distribution, as we are still in the early stages of plotting our distribution map for the film, but having it listed on LesFlicks definitely puts our film in front of the right audience.

Check out LesFlicks here.

This was a lot of fun. For those based in Malta who have not made the trip across to the sister island of Gozo for the festival, we say do it!

On Saturday 24th after a late afternoon swim at Ramla Bay, followed by cave exploring in Nadur and an alfresco seafood dinner on a clifftop, we headed off to the Cittadella, where we enjoyed watching locally produced feature film Limestone Cowboy. It was past midnight when we returned to our AirBnb to rest so that we could wake early to prep for our Sunday morning Improvised Filmmaking Workshop for Teenagers, held at the same venue.

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This is our third year in attendance and each year we are very happy that we made the trip down from Malta to watch films and be welcomed by really passionate and enthusiastic people who love film as much as we do.

And to teach improvised filmmaking, the niche style we love so much, to young students intrigued by the 'no script' process we developed was an absolute blessing. We played games, filmed scenes, and went over everything from different improvisation styles to developing ideas to filming without a script and more. A big thank you to Gozo Film Festival, its volunteers, and festival director Federico Chini.

We'll be back next year. But we'll be teaching another improvised workshop very, very soon.

Beamafilm deal

Woop woop...a reason to clang those champagne glasses together... Friends, Foes & Fireworks is now on the Beamafilm library, and we are really thrilled with the news.

Our Australian distributor Bounty Films secured the deal for us and now our first improvised feature film takes a place next to our short educational film, Daughter.

Coming soon to accompany the film on the Beamafilm film resource page will a Q&A with us, the directors which will be used as an extra resource material to help sell the film. More news on that to follow.

Check out tFriends, Foes & Fireworks, a film about women's health, friendship, and a new years eve reunion that goes a little off the rails on Beamafilm now (Australia only).


Director guest blogs on Filmmaker Freedom

This month writer/director/editor Ivan Malekin was featured as the Filmmaker Freedom guest blogger and his article about our improvised filmmaking technique, links back to our Udemy course and how we shot Friends, Foes & Fireworks in a single night, without a script.

Read the informative blog via the link here, which also includes a free chapter and a direct link to the course. Big thanks to Rob Hardy for letting NPG utilise the Filmmaker Freedom blog. Be sure to sign up the the Filmmaker Freedom newsletters, as we believe they are one of the best our there for indie filmmakers to learn the craft and get informed.

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NPG educates on improvised filmmaking

After filming Friends, Foes & Fireworks in a single night on New Years Eve, completely improvised, co-producers/co-directors Sarah Jayne and Ivan Malekin were approached by Alex Ferrari of Indie Film Hustle about the potential he saw in their style of filmmaking. 

Alex interviewed Ivan for Indie Film Hustle's podcast earlier this year and then the discussion about how NPG could take their improvised filmmaking process and share their knowledge in an education capacity transpired. 

Indie Film Hustle is all about educating and informing indie filmmakers and aspiring filmmakers about the biz. Tthe site Alex has built is an online bible of sorts for filmmakers. Everything from interviews, courses, resources and podcasts plus much more can be found on the Indie Film Hustle website and it is a showcase of Alex's passion as well as a testament to his 20 years in the industry.

NPG teamed up with Alex to produce a video titleed "How to Shoot an Improvised Feature Film in 24 Hours" through online educational site, Udemy. With Alex's assistance and four days of shooting, plus a few months editing and a weekend in sound design the final product is here.

Read More

Choir Girl signed with Blairwood Entertainment

Our gritty black and white feature film, Choir Girl, directed by John Fraser and starring with Peter D Flaherty with Sarah Timm and Krista Vendy, has been signed to Blairwood Entertainment. A boutique agency with carefully selected titles, Blairwood is headed by Hollywood FAME award recipient James Dudelson, a 30+ year veteran in the entertainment industry. 

We look forward to working with James and the team at Blairwood to bring Choir Girl to the world. First stop for the feature film was the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes.  

Thanks to James and the team of Innuendo, (who are also signed to Blairwood) for sending NPG some snaps of the Choir Girl promo material on display at the festival. We look forward to hearing all about the festival once James returns home after the hard work he has put in to work on promoting the film.