What I Learnt from Attending My First European Film Market

Attending the European Film Market (EFM) in Berlin as part of the Berlinale Film Festival this month was an experience, to say the least. Even after making my rounds at the Cannes Short Film Market and the American Film Market, I was stepping into unfamiliar territory.

In the weeks leading up to my flight, I stressed myself out — not just with logistics but mentally too. I overprepared, overthought, and overbooked meet-and-greets, all while worrying about how it would pan out.

Here’s what I learned.

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Are Film Festivals Worth Your Time & Money?

In 2022 we have been paying attention to an aspect of film distribution we have largely ignored for several years beforehand: film festivals.

We have had rejections of course. With many festivals receiving thousands of entries, there will always be rejections. But we have also found some success. Machination has picked up several awards at film festivals for Acting, Directing, and Sound Design. Cats of Malta has been selected for the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival, New York Cat Festival, and other festivals we cannot reveal quite yet. Our latest Life Improvised film, The Dance, screened at Kinemastik International Short Film Festival in Malta last night.

But this handful of success has come at a cost of almost $1000USD so far in festival submission fees. Could this money have been better spent elsewhere? Like running Facebook ads for the release of Machination? Have we gotten enough return for our funds? In short: are film festivals worth the cost and effort?

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