New website

New year, new website!

Welcome to

As Nexus has become more international, with Ivan and Sarah Jayne moving to Malta, Clara based in New York, and Patrick steering the ship at our original home base in Melbourne, Australia, we felt it was high time we moved to a new domain, dropping the .au suffix.

And with a new domain it was a chance to overhaul the site design - remove outdated events, projects and information, and make our site much more simple, streamlined, and focused exclusively on film.

After all, it is our first love.

Nexus logo - unchanged since 2009

And though we have quite the history running events like the Made In Melbourne Film Festival (2009 - 2016) and a ton of projects across disciplines like music videos, television, events and more, film will always remain the beating heart of Nexus, the connection that binds the collective, so we are proud to be building a site which reflects that.

Look around. Check out our work. And return to this blog often - here we will update you with all the news regarding our work. But gives us a little time. This website is a work in progress.