Free Improv for Indie Filmmakers Chapter

Thanks to independent film news and review site indieactivity for doing a write-up about Ivan Malekin’s book Improv for Indie Filmmakers and sharing a sample chapter.

The book uses multiple real-world case studies, plus our own experiences, to illustrate the many benefits of improv and how putting away the script can lead to new discoveries, making your work fresh and exciting. Improv for Indie Filmmakers will show you how to save time and money by working efficiently at all stages of the production process so you can make more films, faster.

Read the free chapter here. And learn more about the book here.

Cats of Malta Wins at Spotlight Documentary Awards

We are thrilled to announce Cats of Malta Film has been selected as one of the top films of the year at the 2022 Spotlight Documentary Film Awards, taking home a Gold Award — receiving the second highest scores from the panel. We are very much looking forward to finally releasing this documentary later this year so you can fall in love with these adorable cats like we did.