Cats of Malta signs with European Distributor


We have signed with our second distributor for Cats of Malta, Under the Milky Way, who will be handling European distribution as well as South America and Asia. 

Cats of Malta was selected to be part of UMW's European Originals series, which qualifies for direct support from the European Commission for technical and marketing expenses. 

UMW will also be creating Spanish and French subtitles for the documentary and encoding has already begun. Expect more news about a Cats of Malta release date in very soon.

North American release date also to be announced, but expect that later in the year. 

Machination Now on Youtube

Our psychological horror film Machination is now streaming on YouTube through horror channel Watch Movies Now. There’s already been 13k views on the film and some great and positive comments, so check out what the fuss is about and watch Machination free on Youtube here.

In Corpore DVD & Blu Ray Pre-sale now on

In Corpore, our female-led drama that delves into the grey areas of relationships and personal desire, has been selected to be promoted on Vudu in June for Pride Month.

Look out for more news on our socials as we blast the announcement far and wide. You can follow the film on Instagram here

We also recently closed a deal for In Corpore to stream on The Slay Network app, an all LGBTQIA streaming service, so there are now even more ways to watch.

And for collectors out there, In Corpore will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on June 13th. Pre-orders are now available and you can find all the links here.

New Cats of Malta Poster

We’ve been working on a new poster for Cats of Malta in anticipation of its worldwide release this year. We commissioned Chris from The Robot Eye for the job and we are absolutely thrilled with not just the results, but the entire collaborative process. We can’t recommend The Robot Eye enough. In fact, Chris gave us a few different comps to choose from and they were all so good we couldn’t even settle on one design. So we went with two different posters, one for the US release (the dark blue) and one for the rest of the world. Check out our new posters below.


Our sensual, sex-positive, female led film, which delves deep into the grey areas of relationships is now streaming on AppleTV.

This news comes just a couple of weeks after the film landing on VUDU and we can’t be any more happy with this great news. Since its 2021 release, In Corpore has become available on a number of other platforms. Check them out here.


It’s official, Mexico loves cats and Cats of Malta!

The shorter, 21 minute version of Cats of Malta has been rewarded MEJOR CORTOMETRAJE DE GATOS (Best Cat Film) at the 6th annual FAUNA Tepoztlán Animal Festival.

We can't wait to release this film this year. Keep up to date with all the Cats of Malta news by joining the newsletter for exclusives.

In Corpore Lands on Vudu

We are pleased to announce our 2020 erotic drama In Corpore is now available on yet another streaming platform, this time landing on Vudu, the American digital video store and streaming service owned by Fandango Media.

Dealing with the complexities of sex and relationships and featuring four couples in four different countries, you can check out In Corpore on Vudu here.

Forefans poster drop

We’re thrilled to unveil the official poster for our latest feature film ForeFans, featuring lead actor Anastasia Kor.

"A naive student struggling to make ends meet becomes a camgirl to support herself. But in a lurid world where every body is a commodity, what will the final cost be?"

Thanks to Clifton Lofthouse for the design as ForeFans rolls along in post production. We expect it to be ready by the end of 2023. Can't wait!

The Dance Double Screenings

The Dance screened at two events last week. The first screening was a Kino Lab Zagreb on Feb 8th. This was the first time we got to see the film in front of a live audience and it was a great experience.

Sarah Jayne presenting the film

The second screening was on Feb 10th at the Audacity Film Festival in Melbourne. Cast and crew for the film were in attendance as well as Nexus team member Ante Malekin. From all reports, it was a fantastic night.

We are grateful to both events for the screenings and proud that The Dance is connecting with audiences from one side of the globe to the other.

Actors John McCullough and Lara Deam with Ante Malekin

The Dance on screen at the Audacity Film Festival

Free Improv for Indie Filmmakers Chapter

Thanks to independent film news and review site indieactivity for doing a write-up about Ivan Malekin’s book Improv for Indie Filmmakers and sharing a sample chapter.

The book uses multiple real-world case studies, plus our own experiences, to illustrate the many benefits of improv and how putting away the script can lead to new discoveries, making your work fresh and exciting. Improv for Indie Filmmakers will show you how to save time and money by working efficiently at all stages of the production process so you can make more films, faster.

Read the free chapter here. And learn more about the book here.

Cats of Malta Wins at Spotlight Documentary Awards

We are thrilled to announce Cats of Malta Film has been selected as one of the top films of the year at the 2022 Spotlight Documentary Film Awards, taking home a Gold Award — receiving the second highest scores from the panel. We are very much looking forward to finally releasing this documentary later this year so you can fall in love with these adorable cats like we did.

Life Improvised: Applause

While visiting New York during late October we got together with NPG team member and favourite hard-working collaborator Clara Francesca, as well as our DOP from In Corpore, George M. Ivanoff, to shoot our eleventh Life Improvised short film called Applause.

The story was inspired by a mash up of real encounters and conversations with an "actor" we knew many moons ago. 

Applause is an exploration of what it looks like when the line of professionalism and friendship becomes blurred due to one friend using the other selfishly for her own career gain. 

The shoot took place in the picturesque Central Park. What was great about shooting Applause (besides the therapy factor!), was that it served as a reunion with Clara and George, plus the chance to work with new talent, Sharni Bekt – an established NY based dancer and actor. 

Check out Applause below and be sure to let us know what you think by liking and leaving a comment on the video.

Rainbow of Love

Festival number four for our queer film The Dance comes from India. Big thanks to Color’s of Love Int. Queer Film Festival for the Official Selection of this film with an important message for those coming out later in life. This is the 5th edition of the festival and it will take place in Punjab, India, as well as online. We are thrilled to see The Dance getting out there.

Goose & Gander Screens in Zagreb

Goose & Gander from our Life Improvised series was the first film we made in Zagreb, so it was a thrill to be selected to screen at the first Kino Lab Zagreb event. It was a fun night, with sixteen films from around the world screened, some even from Melbourne. We look forward to the next event. 

ForeFans Wrapped

Our latest improvised feature film ForeFans is now wrapped! It was an insanely hectic 11 days of filming in Zagreb and Paris across 18 different locations. It felt like a dive into the deep end with a wonderful cast of 6 actors from all over Europe and a 3-person crew, including ourselves. Multi-tasking madness, juggling too many roles on too little sleep.

That’s a wrap in Paris.

But the footage looks fantastic. The performances are terrific. And we are thrilled to wrap on what will become our fifth improvised feature, a dark, bold, contemporary drama about “camgirls” and sex as a commodity. Look out for much more news about ForeFans in 2023 as post-production now begins!

Raw, ungraded shot from ForeFans.

Life Improvised: Volume One Released on Tubi

We’re excited to announce Life Improvised: Volume One is now streaming on Tubi.

Sometimes in life we need to improvise.

Filmed in five countries around the world, these improvised stories are about life and love and the complexities of being human. Micro glances into everyday relationships and the small decisions that define us.

Awkwardness, betrayal, love, forgiveness, despair and more. We filmed these stories over a period of three years, never thinking we would one day have enough to put together an anthology. But here we are. And we just filmed a new episode in New York last week so in another three years, expect Volume Two

Check out the trailer below and check out Life Improvised: Volume One on Tubi here.

We also did an interview about the anthology with Search My Trash which you can read here.

Cats of Malta at the New York Cat Festival

It was a pleasure to attend the New York Cat Festival at the stunning Village East by Angelika Cinema for a screening of the short version of Cats of Malta. Thank you so much to festival director Tracie Hotchner for inviting us and organsing such a fun event. Sarah Jayne took part in a Q&A after the screening and we were thrilled in chat about Cats of Malta and see the film on the big screen. Thank you also to Clara Francesca for the photos.

We also did an insightful podcast interview with Tracie. Listen here.

New Episode of Life Improvised in New York

We just wrapped production on a new episode in our Life Improvised series, filming in gorgeous Central Park in New York. It’s called Applause and deals with an actor pushing a director too far when talking casting opportunities.

It was a reunion with Nexus member Clara Francesca and In Corpore DOP George M. Ivanoff. We also worked with talented actress Shani Bekt for the first time. A lovely way to spend a sunny afternoon. Look out for Life Improvised: Applause on this website and our YouTube channel soon.

The cast and crew of Life Improvised: Applause

Cats of Malta Premieres at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

We had a truly amazing time at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival. It was a week of powerful documentaries, insightful filmmaker panels, fun networking drinks, charming hospitality, and of course the US premiere of Cats of Malta.

The screening of the film happened in the park on a Saturday afternoon. It was a special event hosted by the town mayor and featuring local cats as special guests on a Feline Parade … which went about as well as you would imagine, cats being cats …

Cats of Malta screening in the park.

Thank you to everyone at the festival for hosting us, John and Carol for welcoming us in their home, and everyone in the town who attended the screening and made sure we had a fantastic time.

MovieMaker Magazine rates Chagrin Documentary Film Festival as one of the Top 50 Festivals worth the entry fee. After speeding a week in the beautiful town of Chagrin Falls to experience the festival ourselves, it is easy to see why. It was an experience we won’t soon forget and we are super grateful.

Felines on Parade … sort of.

Sarah Jayne takes part in a Filmmaker Q&A.

Forefans Now Casting

Casting is now open for our latest improvised feature, Forefans. The film is a dark and bold story set into the world of camgirls, tackling theme of sex as a commodity, authenticity, and the need for connection.

We will be filming Forefans in Zagreb, Croatia and Paris, France over 11 days from November 21st to December 2nd. We are casting for the lead roles across Europe via Encast until the end of October. Check out the casting call and if you fit the criteria, send through an application.